Images For a Cure Sessions

  I’m so happy to be taking part in Images For a Cure. IFAC is a group of photographers who donate their time to raise awareness and money for breast cancer research. We are raising money this year for The Breast Cancer Research Foundation. I’m so...

Orlando Photographer:: Me and Aimee at Rock the Marrow

Rock the Marrow was awesome. Florida’s Blood Centers was (“were” if you count them all instead of just the name LOL) there and we had over 150 people donate blood. Woot woot! Aimee and I took a little break for photos. How classy is our backdrop?...

**ENDED** – GIVEAWAY!!!!!!

**WINNERS WILL BE CONTACTED.  🙂   Last week, I announced that I was going to be announcing a giveaways “soon”. Well “soon” happened days after I had planned. To make up for it, I’m adding ANOTHER giveaway. You have to be a fan of our...