Orlando Photographer:: New Balance Commercial Featuring Jenny Barringer
I was so excited when I saw this NB commercial featuring Jenny Barringer! My family met the Barringers when Jenny was probably in fourth grade. They were really involved working with children at our church. If you’ve met Jenny, you know that she is an amazing,...Protected: Stephen Preview
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Jamie’s Last Caringbridge Update
As many of you know, my great friend Jamie passed away on January 3, 2011. She and her family are some of my heroes. They are so sweet, loving, passionate, and full of faith. Her father posted what will probably be the last post on her Caringbride journal. You can...Orlando Photographer:: 1-11-2011
As you know, yesterday was 1-11-11. I saw this fun fact on my friend Ruben’s facebook and had to share it. Do u know the logic of 111 today? 1.11.11. Take ur birth year (last 2 digits) + the age u turn this year = 111 I had to try it. Love it!...Protected: Preview – *D
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