While a headshot session might be the shortest photo session you’ll have, there’s still some thought and planning that goes into every photo shoot. Here are some suggestions and tips to make your headshot session a success.

Lake Mary Headshot Photographer
Lake Mary Headshot Photographer

Plan for Your Photoshoot

Plan what you’ll wear and bring to your photo shoot as early as possible. I think it’s a great idea for any type of photo shoot to do a dress rehearsal the week before if possible. Make sure everything fits like you wanted it to and that clothes look great. You don’t want to start getting dressed the day of your photoshoot only to find out that what you’re planning to wear has a missing button or doesn’t look right.


Come Prepared

Unless your photoshoot includes hair and/or makeup, come prepared with everything you need to feel your best. Don’t wait for your photoshoot to put on lipstick or fix your hair.


Bring a Jacket

When I host shorter headshot days, every minute matters. I want you to feel calm and relaxed while I’m photographing your headshot photos. If you leave for a few minutes to change into something else, we’re not going to have enough time to get the variety I normally photograph. That’s why bringing a jacket can be a great idea. You can switch up your look in just a few seconds.


I love how Jenny Rose brought a jacket to her headshot session for some variety. I had a great time photographing headshots for her business. Jenny Rose is freelance copywriter and content marketing strategist. She specializes in creating content for tech, finance, and real estate companies. If you need high quality content, definitely check out her website HERE.

It’s so much fun to see the photos we took together on her LinkedIn, website, and blog posts and articles she writes for different businesses.

Lake Mary Headshot Photographer
Orlando Brand Photographer


Jenny Rose was kind enough to leave a review about her headshot session experience.

Michelle Guzman is one of the most talented photographers I know. She did a stellar job on my professional headshots for my website. She not only knows exactly how to help you pose for the best angles, but her editing takes the photos to a whole new level. I wholeheartedly recommend her for any business or entrepreneur in need of branded shots.