….my friend is scheduled for a bone marrow transplant. We thought her first bone marrow transplant was a success, but we found out that 94% success doesn’t cut it. Last week, she went back for chemo. These meds are brutal. I seriously can’t believe how upbeat, cheerful, and strong she is.
Aileene and I had the chance to see her last Wednesday and it was amazing to hear her cheerful voice and see her. Our beautiful Jamie…..she is an encourager, amazingly talented, the sweetest person always, and a person of great faith. She’s totally trusting God through all this. God bless her and her amazing family.
Her bone marrow transplant is scheduled for 10:00 or 11:00 a.m. est. Prayers are appreciated. 🙂
Me and Jamie. Photo taken by my aunt Damaris at Rock the Marrow. Hilarious that my shiny skin sparkles like glitter here. Ha.