Ahh….fall. We may not have golden leaves and crisp fall weather, but we do have pumpkins here in Orlando. 🙂
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Jumping shots are always fun. 🙂
He wasn’t into taking photos, but I always get fun images. 🙂
Mom and son photo. Yay!
Photos at the farm? Yes please!
The kids were so well behaved. They actually wanted to go play on the playground, but we have our ways of getting awesome photos. LOL. How cute are they!?
Mom and son photos…love the laughter.
Poor kids. We kept asking him to give her a kiss. Come on though. These are such cute photos. 🙂
This is what happens when you get crazy. You get put in a stroller. Sad, right? 😉
Is it just me or is this not hilarious?!
This girl has my heart. What a sweet person. 🙂
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