Years ago, my sisters and I were in 4-H. And no, we did not raise pigs! HAHA! We got asked that many times. We had the opportunity to be involved in so many things, but leadership and community service were probably the major things we did.

We went to the 4-H Alumni picnic today. It was a special day because we were having a farewell to the BEST 4-H agent EVER, EVER (Shelda)!!!! I was AMAZED to hear people young and younger (alright kids and adults LOL) take the mic and give fabulous impromptu speeches. This is thanks to Shelda. Any public speaking skills I have are because of her. We were hanging out and I pulled out my camera for a few images.

I posted these on Facebook, but the photo quality on Facebook just isn’t the same as here on the blog. Here are a few from today.

We were all just talking when Elle ran to a tree and posed! HAHA! She cracks me up. She only just turned 2, but has been killing me with her rad model skills for over a year.

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