Professional photography + amazing high school seniors= an amazing session.  Kelly, thank you for letting me photograph your senior photos. I really had a great time taking these senior portraits.

Okay, so I had too many favorites from this session. I guess that my preview post on the blog was really long. Okay, so I had TWO preview posts. HAHA! But here are a few new ones as well as some of the ones I posted earlier. If you are a h.s. or college senior, I’m having some special sessions in September. Check out the website and contact me if you are interested in booking in September.

Senior Photography

Senior Photography

Senior Photography


Modern Senior Photographer

Modern Orlando Senior Photographer

Modern Orlando Senior Photography

Orlando Senior Photography

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<strong>*Clients, friends, and family, feel free to use for the web for personal use; but please do not edit image or crop logo. 🙂 Please contact me for any other uses.</strong>

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*Clients, friends, and family, feel free to use for the web for personal use; but please do not edit image or crop logo. 🙂 Please contact me for any other uses.